Advisor & Mentor to CEO's/Family Business/Independent Director
About me

1- Mckinsey Consultant
After a ten year studying tenure in the US, and finishing my MBA from Cornell, I was fortunate to join Mckinsey & Co. This experience exposed me to business analytics, critical thought process, communication skills and strategic frameworks, teaching me how to successfully debunk complex business challenges. Additionally, I was exposed to cost structure and pricing analysis, organizational re-structuring, valuation models, and procurement optimization processes among others.
2- Datos & Nielsen CEO
Negotiated my entrance into the family business, which was the leading market research firm in Venezuela (founded 1954). I restructured the company into business units, navigated the many challenges of professionalizing the company, builded an amazingly empowered management team, tripled revenues, doubled the clients. Moreover, I negotiated and structured the incorporation of IRI as strategic minority shareholder, stratagized a virtuous win -win -win deal to sale the retail business unit to Nielsen, and in the process learned the comaparables between being the CEO of your own family business vs a corporate CEO (Nielsen Country Manager). Today I continue to be president of the board of Datos Group, as a regional player in Consumer Research, Talent Analysis Solutions, and Public Opinion Research.
3- Independent Board Member for Family Businesses
Had the fortune to have been a member of several regional family owned business, thanks to the trust deposited to me by fellow YPO friends, an organization to which I was part of for 23 years. Among my contributions, I was a member of several compensation and investment committees, supported efforts to establish best management practices, participated in M&A strategy, evaluated geographical expansion alternatives, and recommended redesigned organizational structures.
Furthermore, I enjoyed supporting family council decisions for new generation planning, defining healthy boundaries of separation between family, shareholder, management roles, as well as supported/mediated conflict resolution negotiations.
4- Early Stage Investor / Entrepreneur / Family Office Investments
Invested, together with my brother, in more than that 30 early stage ventures in healthcare, dental, franchising, fintech, business analytics, new technologies, and real estate since 2009. Cherish the deep learnings of successful and not-so-successful ventures, cultivating today many learnings in proper risk assessment, due diligence processes, entrepreneur fit, deal structures, and realistic exit timing expectations, among many others. In addition, we continue to oversee the family funds invested primarily in private equity and more traditional liquid investments.
5- Personal Growth Journey
A deep crisis in my 19 years of happy marriage inspired me to seek more profound meaning. My inner work took me through retreats, many readings, teachings, plant medicine, and family constellations. I am very grateful as they all have been pivotal in helping me transcend my limitations and fears, embrace vulnerability, identify and transcend my family patterns, harness higher vitality and vibration, rebuild self-love, achieve a beautiful work/life balance, and reach higher levels of inner peace... a work in progress that never ends…

¿A quién apoyo?
A familias empresarias como la tuya, que están en la búsqueda de prosperar y evolucionar hacia un nuevo nivel de éxito empresarial y familiar.
¿Cómo lo hago?
Como asesor y director independiente que activamente trabaja en equipo con los líderes de la familia y la alta gerencia de sus empresas.
¿Qué obtienes de esto?
Alcanzarás una mejor conexión/relación con miembros familiares, una mayor solidez y transparencia en tu gobernanza, alineación entre tu propósito y tu estrategia y mejores prácticas de liderazgo consciente.